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  • Writer's pictureEastCountyNorthStar

East County NAACP Response to the City of Antioch Police Corruption Scandal

It has taken me more than two days of reading through the vile, malicious texts written by 20% of the Antioch Police Officers. Citizens are appalled by Officers who were sworn to protect and serve the residents of Antioch.

These Police Officers are under investigation on paid administrative leave, this is unacceptable. Residents are paying for moderate salaries to the Police Officers with funds from Measure C and W. These officers should be proud they have risen above the corruption of the Oakland Riders.

Antioch PD has a known reputation in the Bay Area as the most corrupt Police Department in Contra Costa County. The NAACP has reported numerous complaints about the policing practices of the Antioch Police Department. While trying to retrieve information from the Department, there was always the blue wall of stonewalling done, even with the Chief of Police, Tammany Brooks.

We have a District Attorney who has heard the pleas of residents of police brutality by this Police Department. Many thanks to the DA and FBI unit for coming to the aid of these victims.

No apologies from the Police Department, City Manager, Chief of Police or the City Council of Antioch will ever return the lives of a child or loved one to their families, or return the life loss of an innocently incarcerated resident.

Citizen expectations are transparency in the investigative process. We are asking for indictments, convictions, and prison time suitable for the crime committed to those who were injured or injuries resulting in death.

Our request would be no possibility of "Pass Go and collect generous pensions". We are no longer accepting light sentences; we want Police Officers who commit such heinous crimes to go directly to Jail. These Officers should never have the opportunity of returning to any aspect of Law Enforcement again.

East County NAACP is requesting Federal Oversight of the Antioch Police Department immediately.

East County NAACP

Odessa Lefrancois, President

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Stephanie Morris
Stephanie Morris
Apr 26, 2023


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